Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Arrived In Copenhagen

Well, we arrived safely in Copenhagen, Denmark, at 7:35 a.m. Denmark time (1:30 a.m. Toronto time) with no sleep and determined to stay awake for the entire first day. Our flight was a combination of Good News (GN) and Bad News (BN).  The Park N' Fly shuttle bus arrived just as we were taking our luggage out of the car (GN)  We had downloaded our boarding passes at home so check-in was very fast. (GN) Security check was also almost instantaneous! (GN)  The flight was delayed for about 30 minutes (bn) Our assigned seats were directly over the wing and engines. (BN) My view during most of the flight was a line of black arrows on white paint, with a warning sign "Do Not Step" - (Not that I was thinking of stepping there!)
The on-board meal was good (roast beef) and wine was FREE! (GN)

Shortly after arriving here in Copenhagen we bought an all day pass for the canal tours and water taxis and had a great day of sight-seeing by water.This is one very beautiful city and almost everyone can speakEnglish.(GN) I have hopefully been able to upload  some pictures of our tour. Some of you may recognize the tall ship as the Windjammer from the movie of years past. Other shots show the canal with many yachts and colourful buildings. It is now 6:30 p.m. and we are feeling the effects of no sleep, so it will be a quick meal and early to bed. (GN)

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